We only Provide basic compatibility, it’s your responsibility to verify and ensure that this part will work for your vehicle. Years/models provided are just references and are not always 100% accurate and guaranteed to fit. It is the buyer's responsibility to verify fitment before purchases.Condition of the part is used, removed from a good running vehicle, please expect some light scratches,scuffs,or other normal signs of use.
We use many different resources to try to determine vehicle applications. We insist that you use them as a guideline only and do your own independent research to be sure you are buying the correct part for your vehicle. Many different variables go into what parts fit the vehicle. (i.e. engine size, transmission, model, 4 wheel drive, and many more.)
The most accurate way to determine the part you need is to contact your dealership with your VIN # and part # Please Double Check That This is the Correct Part For Your Application to ensure proper Fitment.
We will only REFUND if the part is not in the condition we claim. If you order the wrong part for your Vehicle that’s beyond our control.
PLEASE NOTE: Please compare your part closely to the item (especially part numbers and plug-ins when possible) and do your research to ensure you are ordering the right part for your car. Customer satisfaction is very important to us; we try our best to provide as many closeup pictures as possible so you know exactly what to expect. Our pictures show the exact item you will receive, exactly as you will receive it. Please message us if you have questions prior to purchasing.
We specialize in all airbags, airbag modules and restraining systems for all makes and models. If you can't seem to find a part you need, feel free to contact us! We are here to help for the parts you are looking for! Please contact us if you have any concerns about the part before any bad feed back we might be able to help
We take your feedback very seriously. If you are satisfied with your experience, please leave us a positive feedback. If you find your experience unsatisfactory, please contact us before leaving us a feedback so we can attempt to remedy the situation as quick as possible. Please know it is not our intent but mistakes do indeed happen.
Return Policy: We provide 14 days warranty, warranty period starts when you take possession of the part/parts (the moment any delivery system shows that goods were delivered to buyer). If buyer decides to return the item, we will enforce a 20% restocking fee. The buyer is also responsible for return shipping fees.
We look forward to your business.